Thursday, January 15, 2009


The girlfriends guide to wearing a really big wedding dress!

HOOPSkirt 101 is dedicated to one of my brides who will be getting married in Newport R.I. When she tried on a grand ball gown with a circumference 20 times her waist I thought… What would the logistics be for a gal wearing a dress that size?

How is she going to get in and out of a car?
What kind of chair will she need to sit down in?
What kind of help will she need getting her in to the powder room?
Or simply walk down the aisle !

So with the help of Mrs Tinney of Belcourt CasteI, I asked Rocco Michaluk of Video and Vision to co-produce this project wiih me I hope this wiil be helpful to your on your wedding day!

Nancy Swiezy Events
A Newport Affaire

Rocco Michaluk
Video and Vision

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